No. 1, 2003

A meeting in the Krasnoye settlement
On the 23rd of January 2003 Yasavey took a business trip to the settlement of Krasnoye. The aim was to familiarize ourselves with the operations of the local structural division.

The persons active in the structural division had arranged a meeting with the inhabitants of the settlement and it took place in the house of culture. Even though announcements about the meeting had been hung up a week in advance, the attendance was quite low.

The president of the Movement, Vladislav Peskov, acquainted the inhabitants with the assets of Yasavey, told them about the measures carried out and about future activities.

In the course of discussing the activities of the structural division a decision was made to hold a meeting with the purpose of drawing up a work plan for 2003.

V. Peskov spoke in more detail about the “Kanin Red Chum” project and proposed that a similar project be implemented on the territory of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra (SPK “Harp” and the commune “Erv”).

News in brief
* A new colleague has become a member of the staff of Yasavey. His name is Vladimir Kotkin and he is a graduate of the Institute of Technology and Design in St. Petersburg.

* In Moscow from the 10th to the 15th of March …(missing) will be held. Regions with operating information centres shall participate. Lyudmila Kanyukova, editor of the news bulletin “Yasavey’ vada” will represent the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

* On the 15th of March, SPK “Indiga” will celebrate its 70th anniversary. In order to honour the veterans of the collective farm, Yasavey with financial support from ZAO “Varandeineftegaz” has acquired valuable presents.

The “Ilebc” commune
Life in the communes of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug varies depending on territorial characteristics and they also live in different ways. This is what Nikolai Vylka head of the commune “Ilebc” (Nelmin-Nos) has to say:

“We had problems with tarpaulin which froze after the thaw. Now we have a problem with the Nenets reservation along the territory of which our routes are stretched out. We put our nets into the lake and apparently this is not allowed. Another minor problem: pegs are needed in the corral and the last forest went for poles. But the tundra doesn’t have a forest.”

This year I didn’t hand in anything for slaughtering. Together with the subsidy, that amounts to 70 roubles. In the village prices are being brought down, they will sell anything for some “syarka” ?.

The sleighs were moved forward closer to the Bay and there is also more wood there. On the river bank there is a little storage hut left behind by members of an expedition and I plan to equip it for products. This winter we bought a “Buran” snowmobile for some fish we sold. One bag of fish gives you a barrel of gas.

There is still some hide left for the harness. In the fall Thomas came with Govert, that is when they brought it. So we glued the chum together and added the sleighs in the fall. In our village “harvy” are not kept anymore, everybody rides on “elovy”, they are light.

How is life here? Just worry about yourself. It is a custom to hold on to anything that comes into your hands. We have everything in our own hands and carry the responsibility ourselves.

Probationary stage
Within the framework of the ongoing project “Reinforcing activities of NAO structural divisions” a training seminar was carried out for the coordinator from the structural division of the Indiga settlement.

Goals of the seminar: to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for computer operation; familiarization, compiling and working with documents; acquiring skills to work with the settlement, etc.

A.V. Toropova the project coordinator of the SD is a teacher of mathematics and computer technology at the Indiga secondary school.

The seminar was held at the base of the central office of the PM “Yasavey” from the 3rd to the 12th of February. The seminar was structured in the following sequence:
February 3 5: using the computer and office equipment;
February 6 8: familiarization and practical work with documents (compiling reports, applications, submission of petitions and other similar activities);
February 10 11: surfing in Internet.

According to the plan the period between February 3 5 was used for studies aimed at becoming familiar with computer hardware mastering all basic hardware connections. The coordinator was also provided with a detailed demonstration of the options offered by a Xerox machine and a fax with subsequent mastering of this equipment. Due to some problems with the software program Office, the coordinator mastered the skills of removing and installing this program into Windows XP program. This will inevitably prove useful with the subsequent maintenance of the computer.

The probationer was introduced to document management from February 6 - 8 in the main office. This consisted of compiling reports while various events were in progress, keeping track of incoming band outgoing documents: applications for material assistance, applications for rendering assistance in organizing minor enterprises. Concurrently, the probationer mastered the skill of compiling petitions since he will be managing this task.

The 11th and 12th of February were spent learning how to use Internet. Various sites were visited such as RAIPON, “Yasavey” and the probationer also mastered the e-mail operations, sending and receiving, etc.

A work plan for the project was drawn up jointly with the coordinator. I also drew up a list of tasks for which the coordinator from the SD is responsible for this particular project. The coordinator was informed about the project and we jointly added supplements and explanations. The list of tasks was approved by the executive director responsible for the project.
(According to material in the report of V. Kotkin)

Activities of structural divisions
Yasavey arranged a child’s New Year’s tree celebration on December 29, 2002 for the former workers of Varandei.

A.E. Belugin, the executive director of Yasavey sent a petition letter to OAO “Naryan-Marsejsmorazvedka” asking for financial assistance for the sport compound “Start” (settlement Fakel) to hold sport events. OAO “Naryan-Marseijmorazvedka allocated two thousand roubles for the purchase of prizes during competitions and games. Office accessories were purchased, school articles, stuffed toys and candy.

In the month of November a letter was dispatched to ZAO “Varandeineftegaz” requesting financial support to celebrate the New Year’s tree celebration. Our letter did not remain without notice. 35 thousand New Year gifts were presented. A list of the children was drawn up 52 persons. Due to the fact that not every child would get a New year’s gift, we established a committee made up of parents in order to find a solution. The committee consisted of A.A. Lagejskaya, T.P. Becko, I.V. Chuprova, E.F. Pyrerko, and A.A. Spiridonova. The committee decided to divide all the presents in half. An Act to this effect was compiled dated December 27, 2002.

For children of the youngest school age, a drawing competition was announced. While the competition was going on, a jury of children was established made up of Vitalij Lagejskij, Marina and Irina Chuprova. The jury judged the masterpiece on its merits of the young artists. Prizes were awarded for the best drawings to Sveta Kanyukova, Ira Chuprova, and Yura Pyrerko.

Almost all the children were dressed up in New Year’s costumes and wore masks. That was the main condition for participating in the New Year’s tree celebration. As at any New Year’s tree celebration, there was the need to “defend” your costume. The best costumes were worn by Marina Chuprova, Sveta Kanyukova and Kostya Chuprov. Among the adults, A.E. Zasuhina was the most active and she played the part of the snowman and the Gypsy.
(According to the material of the report by A. Lagejskaya, chairperson of the structural division).

News from the regions
The first meeting of the council of representatives of indigenous minority groups from Chukotka was held in Anadyr.

On February 3, 2003 a Council of representatives of minority peoples was established under the government of the Chukotsk Autonomous oOrug. The established council will assist the Government of the Okrug to solve questions concerning social and economic, and cultural development taking into consideration the opinion of indigenous peoples.

The main tasks of this established council include the following, namely: to guarantee the rights and lawful interests of the Chukotskj indigenous minorities, to promote conditions for equal participation in governing public affairs, to define the means of development
for traditional branches of livelihood, to preserve and develop the language and culture.

At the first meeting of the Council an executive committee was elected “for routine solutions of current questions”. Representatives from eight municipal formations of the Okrug, representatives of public associations for indigenous minorities and from the Duma of the Okrug as well as from the management of affairs for indigenous minorities in Chukotka were part of the Council staff. (According to material from the website

Murmansk. A session of the committee of the Council for the Federation concerning the affairs of the North and minority groups took place on February 13th.

The session was opened and headed by A.V. Nazarov, chairman of the committee of the Council for the affairs of the North and minority groups. The participants of the session studied questions dealing with the situation and legislative promotion of the development of the industrial fishing complex of the North, international cooperation between the northwest regions of Russia within the framework of the Council of the Barents Euro Arctic region.

Economic, social and international problems concerning the realization of the Russian Federation rights were also studied. These problems date back to the Spitsbergen Agreement dated February 9, 1920. This meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry for Economic Development, the Ministry of Finances, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Government Commission for industrial fishing, leaders from the Murmansk oblast and other individuals interested in the work carried out by this session.