No. 4, 2002 (summary)

Editorial column
Acquaintance with management organs of the association: Congress, Council and Executive Directorship

Red Chum” on the Kanin Peninsula
Agreement signed to fulfill project “Red chum on Kanin peninsula” in the beginning of April between Yasavey and “Union of geologists and oil workers of the North”.
Duration of project 8 months (April to November 2002). Sponsor was JSC “Archangelskgeoldobycha”. Yasavey hopes this will help to bring to the foreground the problems of the Kanin inhabitants.

News in brief
Yasavey has become member of the association of the World Reindeer Herders. Kolkhoz “Yerv” celebrated its 10th anniversary. A decision was made during the 1st reindeer herders meeting to found a Reindeer Herders Union of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Delegates adopted a resolution to have meeting middle of March 2003. A snow mobile was purchased “Buran” with help from “Edei ilebz”, Kanin Community, KFH “Velt”. May 17 in Naryan-Mar a Round table will be held concerning “Development of natural resources in NAO. Indigenous peoples and oil companies. Future development”. Artistic competition to be held on “Illustration of the Nenets Mystery” by the institute to raise teaching qualifications. June 1st exhibition of children’s drawings. Village of Nes celebrates day of the village June 12th. Theme of fourth celebration is “Family dynasties”. Norwegian delegation expected. Aim to establish cooperation between Kautokeino and Nes. May 6 8 working group to meet in Copenhagen. International Committee initiated by Canada “Future of children and youth in the Arctic”. 58 first-aid kits bought for 58 thousand rubles for “Kanin Community” through financial support by German project RAIPON.

Cooperation in Barents region
Association of World Reindeer Herders met April 3-4 in Norway. “Yasavey” presented several projects. Another project proposed was friendly relations between communes in Norway and municipalities in Nenets Autonomous Okrug. This question was discussed February 25-26, 2002 in Lovozero. Particular interest was the subject of private reindeer husbandry.

Small-scale business development
Second course on “Economic development of KMNS communities” took place February 1-9, 2002. For many this was a chance to exchange information and hold discussions. But mainly it was a course on negotiating with representatives of authorities which requires experience, knowledge and to logically argue and present arguments.

Getting to know each other: Yasavey Council
Names, photographs and brief description:

Vladislav V. Peskov
Svetlana V. Taibarei
Alexandra A. Lageiskaya
Alexandr I. Vyucheiskij
Alexandr E. Belugin
Lyudmila E. Kanyukova
Prokopij A. Yavtysij
Galina A. Arteeva
Alexandr L. Ledkov
Galina V. Syadei
Alexandr E. Vyucheiskij
Matrena I. Taleva
Yelena A. Latysheva

Interrelationship between reindeer herders and oil workers
Yasavey received a letter from the Union of reindeer herders for family (tribal) communities “ Ya Yerv” concerning violations during the construction of oil pipes. In particular the question concerned crossings for reindeer. On May 13 the commission, established by the NAO Administration, flew to the sites indicated. A visual inspection was made from the air and certain pipes were checked at random. Licenses for these oil deposits belong to JSC “Archangelsgeoldobych”. A resolution is being compiled based on the results and a discussion of the situation is planned for the round table meeting.

Applications must be sent in by September 1, 2002 in order to be considered for a small grant organized by RITZ as of December 1, 2001.
The projects must correspond to the requirements of certain criteria.

NENETSYA’ vadavna neda yun”
Writing in the Nenets language (institute padvy)