No. 4, 2003

Editor’s Column
Yasavey is engaged in preparations together with HO “Union of Geologists and Oil Workers of the North” to hold a regular “Round Table” an established tradition and entitled “Development of Natural Resources in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO), Indigenous Peoples and Oil Extracting Companies, Future Outlook for Mutual Cooperation”.

Preparations for the Venue
The Round Table will be attended by consumers of minerals, representatives of State Authority organs of the Okrug and Moscow, and federal structures, Working Group experts, representatives of reindeer husbandry enterprises within the Okrug and the Komi Republic, as well as from the community.

A seminar will be held within the framework of the Round Table and will handle the subject “Concluding and Executing Agreements while implementing projects on the assimilation of minerals”.

The seminar is lead by Janet Kiping (director of the Russian programs at the Canadian Institute of Rules and Regulations governing Natural Resources) and Douglas Birch (private consultant and expert on conflicting situations and negotiating with extracting enterprises). At present, D. Birch is involved in analysing the impact of the “Sakhalin” projects as regards social and economic development of the indigenous and local population . The aim is to make an independent expert assessment.

After the “Round Table” a visit is planned to the South-Shapkinsky deposits, a joint project of NK “Fortum” and OOO “Lukoil-Komi”, and concurrently also shareholders of ZAO “Sever TEK”.

News in Brief
* Within the framework of the project in progress “Enhancing activities in NAO structural divisions”, a training seminar was held for the coordinator from the Om structural division. The trainee, Nadezhda A. Bobrikova, is chairperson of the unit in the settlement.

* The aim of the training period was: to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to work with computers; to become acquainted, compile and manage documentation; to acquire skills in working with the inhabitants, etc.

* Consultation was also provided pertaining to federal and regional law.

Two editions of an information bulletin by the structural divisions in the settlement of Indiga were released.

* These editions reflect the way of life in the settlement; anniversaries of the sovhoz and their history; meetings with deputies from the Okrug Assembly of Deputies; session of the Assembly of Deputies from MO “Timan Rural Council”; courses with teachers of mother tongues; results of the 3rd quarter; parents’ meeting; auditing and election meeting of the fishing cooperative; a column “We have a reason to be proud”, competitions, and sports in general.

Medical Council Meeting
On Tuesday April 15, 2003 at 3 p.m., a meeting of the medical council to study maternal mortality took place in the Directorate of Health Care, NAO administration. One of the questions discussed was the death of a 33-year old woman, a Chum worker, on April 14, 2003. Death was due to the loss of a large amount of blood. During the meeting proposals to establish first-aid recommendations were discussed particularly for those involved in traditional ways of domestic activities.

The following was recommended: annual medical check-ups for reindeer herders during the festivities of the Day of the Reindeer. The agricultural administration shall provide the services of a doctor, review and establish a program for rendering medical assistance on the territory of the Bolshezemelsk tundra. Another proposal concerned a mobile team consisting of several doctors, and medical assistance for the Kanin tundra reindeer herders during their stay on the territory of the Pinezhsk and Mezensk raion.

A competition in the Okrug.
In mid-April, 2003 a competition took place of artistic creations entitled “Illustrated Nenets folktales”. Both pre-school children and school children participated. The main objectives were the following:

* to introduce the children to cultural and spiritual values of the Nenets people;
* to discover the creative potential of children;
* to offer conditions for the development of creative taste and improving performance
* to bring out through education the civil qualities of personality and patriotism.

The contents of the artistic works a subject picture with a recognizable object. These themes also touched upon traditional pastimes of the inhabitants; traditional everyday objects; objects related to the flora and fauna world within the NAO.
The Office for Native Tongues, History, Culture and Ethnography of the NAO Institute for Teachers headed and implemented this competition. The winners were awarded prizes, certificates and valuable presents.

Starting today, the structural division of the Krasnoe settlement has the honour to access Internet. Correspondence is possible via the e-mail address: vickrasn@atnet.rui

Meeting of NAO student union with representatives of the Okrug’s State Authorities.
On the 4th of April a meeting of NAO students took place at the base of the State Arctic Academy. Many students from higher educational establishments in St. Petersburg were represented: State Academy for Veterinarian Medicine, North-western Academy of State Services, the Burevich University for Telecommunications, University of Cinematography and Television Broadcasting, etc. The guests at this meeting were: Yurij N. Ermelaev from the NAO Representation in St. Petersburg; Vitalina F. Glazunova, chairperson of the NAO Assembly of Deputies; Maria Ya. Barmich , associate professor at the Faculty of Uralic languages of the Herzen INS RGPU; Vladislav Peskov, president of Yasavey.

The aim of the meeting was: to establish contact with students and form a base for NAO students; to replenish membership in the council of the Association; to review proposals made by students and related problems.

The opening speech was given by V.F. Glazunova. In her introduction she provided the participants with the most recent information in the Okrug. Ms Glazunova also mentioned the economic situation and that a trend in its development was visible, mentioning also that the budget for 2004 has been adopted. The budget includes the funds necessary to build housing for young specialists. This is a problem especially for those intending to return home after their studies. An increasing amount of attention is being paid to education and health care within the Okrug. A program to support indigenous minorities is in progress and a fund for supporting students has been established. Assistance is rendered in the form of scholarships, one-off benefit payment, and help with addresses is provided.

Following this introductory speech, Yu. N. Ermalaev explained to the NAO students about the activities of the NAO Representation in St. Petersburg. It is also intended for the students and help can be provided in solving any problems that might come up.

Elena Ledkova, president of the NAO students’ union described some of the activities and plans of the union. She also explained the origins of its establishment and the future plans of this meeting. One of the aims was (incomplete sentence?)

Then Lilia Tabarei , director of the Youth Information Centre in St. Petersburg took the floor and informed the participants of the activities taking place in the newly opened Centre:

* cooperation and further development between RAIPON (Association of indigenous minorities in the North, Siberia and in the Far East) and educational establishments in St. Petersburg and the students attending them;

* teaching the latest skills to the students in the non-governmental sector;

* making the public aware of the problems pertaining to higher education for indigenous peoples of the North;

…? Ability to preserve traditions and knowledge of indigenous minorities in youthful surroundings.

In conclusion, Vladislav Peskov informed about the activities of “Yasavey”. He expressed his hope for future success to the union.

At the end of the meeting, there were questions and proposals put forth by the students. Positive results were achieved at this meeting and a large amount of information was made available to the students, contacts were renewed between students and the representatives of the state authorities.

(based on material from information bulletin No. 1 of the Youth Centre in St. Petersburg, Elena Ledkova, INS, 2nd course, NAO)

A trip to Lovozero
Our delegation arrived in Lovozero on the 29th of March. Our guide was Sergei Gavrilov a student in the 11th class, with an enthusiastic personality.

According to the program for the Celebration of the North, the following events were to take place: 1600 meter harnessed reindeer races, leaps over sleighs, throwing lassos, and national wrestling. We registered for the harnessed reindeer competition and a three-fold national leap. During the opening of the competition, our delegation held a welcoming speech addressed to the participants, wished them all honourable team spirit and much success. During the awarding of the prizes we again addressed those present and thanked them for having invited us, for their hospitality and wished the winners all the best handing them souvenirs to remember calendars, booklets “Revival of the Red Chum”.

A meeting was arranged with the Saami reindeer herders. During tea drinking, the participants exchanged the latest news, told about their problems and the joys of a not-so-easy life style. The herders invited us to visit them at their camp which was about three km from the settlement and to see with their own eyes the life of the Saami herders. Concurrently they also expressed their willingness to attend the celebration of the NAO reindeer herders the Day of the Reindeer held on August the 2nd. However they did ask us for financial support in order to be able to make this trip.

On the 31st of March, at 11 o’clock in the morning, the delegation separated into two parties. The first group headed by A.A. Lagenska left for a visit to the Saami reindeer herders and the second group visited the PU-26. Later we participated in the presentation of the project “ Kola Saami Radio”, attended a concert at the National Culture Centre, visited the SHPK “Tundra” sewing workshop. As presents we used the ethno-ecological calendars and the booklets.

During the meeting which took place in a very amicable atmosphere, the participants stepped forth and held speeches about their work last year, told of their difficulties and problems at work and shared with us the unresolved matters existing on the territory they live on.

We noted a joint plan of action:
* a project to prepare and release in 2003 a Nenets-Saami-Russian phrase book

* a joint celebration of a festival of craftsmen of applied arts, dancing groups, folksong singers (under the name of “Festival of indigenous peoples of the Barents-Euro-Arctic Region”) at the Lovozero settlement and on the Kolguev island.

* Hold “Round Table” meetings on the following topics: oil enterprises and the indigenous peoples of the North; youth of indigenous nationalities; reindeer herding and mother tongue problems;

* organize a trip for the Saami herders to the Kolguev island for the celebration of the “Day of the Reindeer” in 2004 (in the fall, preferably September), spend joint festivities with the craftsmen of applied arts in the Lovozero settlement, Murmansk, Naryan-Mar.

The representatives of the community of the Lovozero settlement invited Yasavey to participate in the holiday of Saami Games (June), opening of a “chum” in which the offices of the OOSMO, NKC, KSR, AKS (public associations in Lovozero) will be located. When parting the sides wished each other success and a good start in their affairs. On behalf of Yasavey the participants of the “Round Table” were offered memorable souvenirs. The NKC participants gave them dolls dressed in traditional Nenets clothes.
(Based on material in the report by A.A. Lageiska and I.S. Semenova)

A meeting of RAIPON and FE students with students from Finland
At the base of the Institute of Peoples of the North a meeting of RAIPON students was held on March 19, 2003 with a group of students and PhD students of the Ugric-Finno Faculty, University of Helsinki headed by Tapani Salminen.

At first they became acquainted and told each other about themselves, e.g. where they come from, what faculties they are studying at, etc. Then the guests related their side and told about the reasons they were studying in St. Petersburg. The aim was to establish contact with RAIPON representatives directly in St. Petersburg where many students with a similar background were studying. The Finnish students were interested in subjects related to linguistics, folklore, literature, art of the people from the North, and ethnography. As it turned out, many of the guests had already been in the North: in the Nenets, Chanty-Mansijsk and Yamalo-Nenets AO. In these places they had the possibility to study the languages of the peoples from the North and Siberia. Teachers from the Institute were also present at the meeting; N.A. Lyskova head of the department for Ugric languages; M.D. Lyublyanskaya a Nenets language teacher; D.V. Gerasimova a teacher of Khanty and Mansi languages. They told the guests the history of the institute.

This resulted in an informal talk during which it became quite clear that the Finnish students and PhD students were worried about the problems of the indigenous minorities of Russia. This meeting was an attempt “to build a bridge” between students of two countries both representing the Russian North and who are interested in this particular area with regard to scientific research. (Saint Petersburg Youth Centre, Nikolai Ledkov, GPA, 4th course, NAO).

A regular meeting of the Movement Council took place on April 25th. The president, Vadislav Peskov informed the Council about the preparations for a “Round Table” meeting, the launching of the “Red Chum - 2003” project, and the participation of Yasavey in the PRISM project (basin of the Pechora river).

The Council reviewed the address written by the workers of SPK “Voshod” to the Deputy Head of the Administration Yu.A. Kaznacheev, head of USH and food products, concerning financial assistance for the purpose of paying salaries. Alexander I. Vyucheiskij informed the Council that the question dealing with paying off debts to the agricultural organizations had already been reviewed at the commission of the NAO Assembly of Deputies. The deputies of the Okrug Assembly had ratified a decision, namely the NAO Administration will take the necessary measures and take care of all the debts incurred and remit payments to the workers of the SPK district to cover their salaries.

The members of the Movement’s Council were offered a project “Regulations for procedures of executing alternative civilian work” as an addendum and proposal.