No. 5, 2002 (summary)

Editorial column

Day of the reindeer
Professional festival for reindeer herders
Basically a letter of congratulations to those working in the tundra, reindeer herders and dwellers of chums on behalf of “Yasavey”. A list of their positive and courageous attitude follows hoping that these features will help them endure the future and not to forget the values of our forefathers…..

News in brief
Concerning the start of a process of organizing communities. Yasavey has the experience to help in organizing these communities.

Publication of calendar 2003. It took four years to accomplish this. Circulation 500 copies. Nenets language used to translate the months. Financial support given by Secretariat of Barents project.

Oil company OAO “Severnaya neft” proposed (for indigenous people) a competition to study in Naryan-Mar. “Yasavey” participated. 13 candidates selected. Candidates are from all locations of the Okrug.

Severnaya neft covers all expenses related to studying, travel and vacation.

Getting out of the city a tradition of the students. This year it occurred on June 2 in the lakes of Kavgolov. Discussions concerning future also took place.

25 trips were arranged again by the State Duma of the Russian Federation for the Yasavey. Children from families with a low income will be sent to health centres.

Yasavey is actively involved with Day of the Reindeer especially in Kanin and Indiga.

JSC Varandeineftegaz is financially supporting the festival.

Yasavey also contributed 150 thousand rubles for acquiring prizes.

News from the Red Chum (summary)
Work on Red Chum is continuing. Doctor Vladimir D. Bolotov began his work with brigade No. 11. Following is a presentation of courageous people working under the harsh conditions in the tundra.

Doctor Bolotov, has worked at sea as a doctor. Rough waves in any case whether they consist of waves or clufts.

Petr. A. Ledkov mainly involved with information and cultural work. Daily contact with Yasavey.

Kanin tundra has a law “you can’t survive in the tundra without a family”!

Vladimir A. Nyurov from a generation of herders now in Yasavey Red Chum. Comfort and good food provided by Yekaterina Yevmenyevna.

Chief doctor Vladimir L. Sinyushkin has worked 23 years at the hospital in Severodvinsk.

Leonid A. Zubov has started his shift in the Red Chum. Worked as a pediatrician. Often travels to rural inhabited points of the Okrug.

Brigade No. 7 will be centre for festival. President Vladislav Peskov is expected on that day and the chief bookkeeper Yelena A. Latysheva.


Studying abroad
Questions and answers about the Arctic University.

The concept “ a university without walls” was a proposal made which lead to the foundation of the Arctic Council. The Arctic University began its official existence in Finland in June 2001. There are three main educational programs: environmental protection in the Arctic, studying via Internet and the Circumpolar mobility program the basis is student exchange. Aim of the university is to offer a broad scale of knowledge on the surrounding regions and the future development of the north.

The work of the coordination centre is to disseminate and coordinate information.

Cooperation between RAIPON and members of the Arctic University is not quite clear. There are however many practical tasks to be solved mutually concerning the extreme points of the North to find out what is of importance for indigenous peoples of Northern Russia. The university in its turn assists in evaluating the effects on the preservation of the environment and can elaborate programs for this purpose.

The appearance of probationers from Yasavey has led to a new dialogue between organizations. Cooperation is facilitated with institutes in the northern part of Russia.

We are expecting probationers from Canada in September. We are looking for financial support for the next probationers from Yasavey for a longer period of time starting as of 2003.

A delegation of representatives from the community of Kautokeino, Norway visited the village of Nes on June 12. Alexandr E. Vyucheiskij from Yasavey spoke.

There was an exchange of information about the two communities. A meeting with reindeer herders took place. Questions were asked about private reindeer husbandry and receiving grazing land to organize communities. A. Vyucheiskij gave detailed information concerning these laws. The mayor made some proposals about the existing infrastructure at the boarding school. The guests were also of the opinion that the living conditions for 103 children are not very satisfactory. Promises were made to replace certain articles. Proposals on cooperation were not made since the head of the Nes village is not familiar with his legal rights.

RITZ the Russian Study Center for Indigenous Peoples of the North invites the regional representatives to compete for a course on “COORDINATOR OF REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT’ to be held in September-October 2002. The aim is to prepare coordinators to clarify economic possibilities and promote projects on economic development. A list follows of the features the coordinators must possess upon completion of this course. Studying takes place in Canada and Russia 10 days in Canada and 20 days in Moscow. Those who have successfully finished this course will receive a two-year stipendium every month. Then follows a list of requirements. The course is for 5-6 persons. The Study Center pays for all expenses for the entire period.
Applications should arrive by September 1, 2002.

An attempt by the pen
(poem about the settlement “Krasnoye”)
Alexandra Taibarei, the author gave us her permission to publish this poem in our Newsletter.