No. 6, 2002

Editorial column

Dear readers!
You have received the latest Newsletter number. And we are in a hurry to inform you that Yasavey has defended its new project and will continue to publish the Newsletter.

The next publication will be release in two months. In the Newsletter publications we shall also familiarize you with the activities of the association, the latest regional events and much more.

Until we meet again!

Project “Kanin Red Chum” completed
In our Newsletter we have informed our readers of the “Kanin Red Chum” project.

One of the largest projects of Yasavey is coming to an end. Now certain preliminary conclusions, showing the advantages as well as the disadvantages of the work performed on the Red Chum can be assessed.

The first phase of this project consisted of finding the appropriate employees. Out of the four candidates we selected Pyotr A. Ledkov for the position of cultural specialist. The main criteria for this choice was knowledge of the language and the nomadic way of life.

The Northern State Medical University of Archangels proposed two doctors to work on this project. During the first one-and-a-half months Doctor Vladimir D. Bolotov worked in the Red Chum. He gave a medical checkup to six brigades of the “Kanin” community.

On the traditional holiday, “Day of the Reindeer” an exchange between doctors was made. The president of Yasavey, Vladislav Peskov was also present.

Doctor Leonid A. Zubov began his shift as of August. He performed a medical checkup of four brigades from the “Kanin” community and two brigades from the SPK “Vozhod”. On September 6th, workers from the Kanin Red Chum were transported to the Oma settlement.

Doctor Leonid A. Zubov related some of his work experiences. “ An assessment of the health of all the children, living a nomadic life style in the tundra, was carried out. A special unit which enables the functional reserves of the organism to be investigated, was used for the reindeer herders. This unit also indicates health problems at an early stage and to project preventive measures. Personal first-aid kits were refilled. Assistance was rendered to those suffering from acute illnesses such as lumbago, burns, respiratory problems and high blood pressure.

On the whole I would call this project the rebirth of the Red Chum and it is well justified.

We have obtained detailed information as to the state of health as well as the measures to take in order to maintain it. It should be noted that the first-aid kits for the brigades do not quite correspond to the conditions of life in the tundra. We are losing the knowledge of how to treat illnesses using traditional medicine.

On the whole, I was very satisfied with my work here and I am sorry to be leaving the tundra”.

On Sunday, the chairman of the structural department, Nadezhda A. Bobrikov organized a meeting between the workers of the Red Chum and the inhabitants of the settlement. After a two-hour get-together, a film was shown called “The seven songs of the tundra”. Consultative visits were made available to the inhabitants of the settlement in the medical facilities of Doctor L.A. Zubov.

We are planning to publish a special booklet with more detailed information on the activities going on in Red Chum.

News in brief
ViktoriaVylka’s repair shop “Enabez” in the Krasnoye settlement has now been operating successfully for the second year. The shop has a wide field of activities. In the winter they sew burkis, hats, tobokis, house shoes, souvenirs. The inhabitants mainly ask for special clothing, shirts, coats, jackets, trousers, repair of clothes. Industrial sewing machines “overlock” has arrived.

On September 7th, 2002 Yasavey with its Danish partner Thomas Køhler and the Dutch representative Govert de Groot of Arctic Peoples Alert made a trip to Nelmin-Nos.

The plan included a visit to a family (tribal) community. This community was registered in July 2002. Ever since the family (tribal) community “Ilbez” was organized, the following measures have been carried out during the fiscal period:

A. A summer chum was made for children (poles, covering, a flue smoke pipe, armour, set of kitchen furniture).

B. An inventory was compiled for production needs (carpenters’ tools, harness for lightweight and heavyweight sleds, light sleds, sleds to transport chums, fishing nets).

C. Training of draught reindeer.

In order to support the family (tribal) community “Nekuzya” Yasavey with the participation of the Danish project granted financial means in the amount of nine thousand rubles. This same community was also rendered assistance amounting to twenty thousand rubles from the reserve fund of the NAO governor.

In honour of the “Day of the “Reindeer” the reindeer husbandry ventures in the Okrug received charitable assistance to acquire prizes. This decision was taken at the July meeting of Yasavey Council. A sum of RBL 116500 was received out of a sum of RBL 150000. Reindeer husbandry ventures as for example “Koophoz Yerv” 10000, SPK “Kanin Community” 16500, SPK “Naryana ty” 10000, SPK “Red October “ 4500, SPK “Kolguev” 6000, SPK “ Rassvet Severa” 10500, SPK “Voshod” 7500, GUSP OPH “Put Ilicha” 6000, SPK “Put Ilicha” 15000, SPK “Indigskij” 9000, family-tribal community “Ilebz” 1500. First-aid kits were acquired for the “Yamb to” community for 20000 rubles.

The opening of an information centre is planned for Krasnoye. It will operate in the “Enabz” work shop.

Within the framework of the project “Institutional construction of Yasavey on the following equipment has been acquired for activities in the centre: computer and fax. The aim of the centre is to support the development of a data network and to help organize operations at Yasavey structural department in the Krasnoye settlement.

Members of the council of “Yasavey” headed by its president Vladislav Peskov and representatives from Denmark and Holland visited the Krasnoye settlement on September 8th. The aim of the visit was to check on the work performed at the “Enabez” work shop belonging to the private entrepreneur Viktoria Vylka and to look into the further development of its operations.

A meeting was also held with the management of the structural department, Igor Ledkov, in the Krasnoye settlement. During the meeting problems were discussed when working with the head of the municipal formation L. Popova and other officials.

During the discussions questions dealing with interrelations between reindeer herders and oil companies were discussed. In this sphere there exist some unsolved problems. A question was raised pertaining to the relationship and cooperation between the NAO reindeer herders and the reindeer herders from the Komi Republic.

The participants also visited a fox farm. The director of this farm told us about the current activities of the enterprise, its problems and plans for the future.

In August a meeting took place at the office of Yasavey with Konstantin Lichutin, a reindeer herder from SPK “Izhemskij olenevod”.

Interrelationships between reindeer herders and oil companies were discussed during the meeting - a touchy subject with some misunderstandings. An agreement was reached concerning the development of the cooperation between reindeer herders in the NAO and the reindeer herders of the Komi Republic.

The days of the Nenets culture will take place in Finland in the second half of September. An amateur theatre “Ilebz” will give a performance as well as the “Maimbava” group.

In honour of the celebration of the “Day of the Reindeer”, the colleagues of the House of culture in the village of Oma spent the evening with veterans of the reindeer husbandry.

The following events took place that evening: national sport events, a demonstration of traditional clothing outer clothing and footwear, a competition of national dishes. Songs and tales in their own mother tongue were heard. As was said by the head of the House of Culture, N.A. Bobrikova, the evening was very popular with the veterans of reindeer husbandry. Everybody joined in and participated actively in the events.
Assistance by sponsors was given in the form of acquiring prizes and presents, arranged by the head of the municipal formation from the Oma village and the Board of culture by the Administration in the Okrug.

Day of the Reindeer in the Timan tundra
A traditional festival Day of the Reindeer took place on August 5, 2002 in the vicinity of the Kamen Lake for the reindeer herders of the SPK “Indigskij”. ZAO “Varandeineftegaz” gave support in organizing the festival with financial means.

The helicopter landed at the place where the festival took place with two chums and poles. The name of the location is “Olen-chumovitche”. In those days this is where the festival took place but during the last ten years, as of 1992 the professional festival was celebrated in the settlements and this does not correspond in the least to the tradition. The settlements do not offer the space to carry out races on reindeer sleds, not all reindeer herders have the possibility to participate in the festival. That is why one of the main goals was to have the festival as close as possible to the reindeer herders and celebrate it in the tundra. In December 2001 when the management of Yasavey visited Indigo and also during the first meeting of the NAO reindeer herders, the SPK “Indigskij” herders repeatedly raised the question about having this festival at the traditional location in the vicinity of Lake Kamen . Thus, through the efforts exerted by Yasavey, Vyacheslav K. Korepano, deputy of the Okrug meeting and the understanding by ZAO “Varandeineftegaz” of the situation that had arisen, this long-awaited festival took place.

The first impression: we were not expected. The reindeer herders did not believe until the very last minute that the festival will take place. And only when they saw the guests and artists with their own eyes they slowly began to melt.

A solemn meeting took place at two o’clock which the foreman from the Vyucheiskij settlement, Andrei G. Yavtysyij opened. He is also the director of the DK of the Vyucheiskij settlement. This was followed by congratulations from Vladislav V. Peskov, president of “Yasavey”, Vyacheslav Korepanov, deputy of the meeting of deputies in the NAO, Vadim E. Gluhov, head of MO “Timan selsovet”, Valentin I. Chirkov, representative, NAO Administration, Yurij P. Vylka, deputy head of the Board of agriculture, NAO Administration, and others. Oleg G. Ternetyev Head of LTF SPK “Indigskij” acquainted those present with the results of the work of the reindeer husbandry brigades SPK and awarded valuable presents to the best reindeer herders.

After the ceremonious part, the sport competions were opened. They began with races on reindeer sleds. The first two races were won by men: gallop and speed. The races for women varied in one race for speed. Since this traditional festival took place again after a lengthy interruption, there were some inconsistencies in carrying out these events.

The following must be taken into account in the future:

D. More active and constructive attitude by the leadership of SPK “Indigskij” and MO “Timan selsovet”

E. It is necessary to pick out with more care the place for holding the races on reindeer sleds (absence of clufts):

F. Defining general rules for races on reindeer sleds for men and women (number of reindeer pulling one sled, distances),

G. Detailed organization of other venues (throwing for distance, shooting for accuracy, etc.)

Next there were sportive events, whereby each reindeer herder had a chance to prove his strength and agility throwing for accuracy, jumping over sleds, hammer throwing for distance. When the results came in there was a prize-awarding ceremony for the winners and participants of the competition. The reindeer herders expressed their wish to have the reindeer better prepared next year for the races and to teach the fairer sex to ride in sleds not worse than the women from the Kamin tundra. We shall check this out when celebrating the Day of the Reindeer next year and hope that their wishes will come true and turn into reality.

A small-scale concert made the reindeer herders happy and gave them an enjoyable surprise. The ensemble “:Hayar” brought from Naryan-Mar by the Administration of the okrug opened the concert. The relay was then taken over by a dance group of girls, a vocal and instrumental ensemble DK from the Vyucheiskij settlement (artistic director Andrei Yavtysyij). This day was also a debut for young singers: Grysha Vyucheiskij and Grisha Hatanzeiskij who made the tundra happy with their sonorous voices. Congratulations and small talk continued around the joint table under the open sky. The main conclusion was: to meet more often!

We can honestly say that the festival of the Day of the Reindeer in the Timan was a success. Let us hope that the first step to the rebirth of a traditional and professional festival in the Timan will be the road which joins all the reindeer herders in our okrug once a year.

Oil companies on the territory of the NAO
On September 10th, the Commission on land allocation flew over the sites of JSC “Archangelskgeoldobycha”. Vladislav Peskov, president of Yasavey and Alexandr Vyucheiskij, vice-president on questions of traditional management of enterprises participated in this flight.

The helicopter flew over deposits of companies such as ZAO “Varandeineftegaz”, the Kalmyskaya oil company, ZAO Lukoil-Sever”, OOO “Danao - Engineering”. The impression left of this view is not very satisfying and can be seen on the photos taken during the flight for the allotment of land plots. As regards Yasavey, there are numerous comments and reprimands to be made concerning the activities of the oil companies on the territory of the okrug. There are no limits to the violations and the barbaric attitude towards nature when developing oil field deposits!

This question was dealt with at the Council meeting of Yasavey. A unanimous decision was taken to address the Administration of the NAO and the Ministry for Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, in order to ensure more stringent control of the adaptation of deposits located in the NAO.

The regular council meeting of “Yasavey” was held on September 11th. The agenda consisted of six items.

It was decided to pay for the training of the following students when investigating the applications for material assistance: S.V. Koskov, V.E. Mihailov, A.I. Ardeyev.

The Executive Director, A.E. Belugin, of Yasavey, informed the Council of the request received from the Committee for Physical Education and Tourism of the NAO Administration to render technical assistance for the coming Russian championships for national sports in the northern multi-event competition among young men. The Council decided to grant the sum of 20.000 rubles for the acquisition of prizes for the participants in the championships. In addition the Council also offered to help with compiling documents and taking photographs of the competition.

Doctor L.A. Zubov informed about the results of the activities in the Kanin Red Chum. His opinion was that it is necessary to continue work in this direction. The following should be borne in mind when organizing the continuation of this work: improve the availability of information (newspapers, radio), include a dentist and a veterinarian to the staff of the Kanin Red Chum.

President V. Peskov gave information about the results and plans of the activities for the Association:

H. October holding a seminar on work with structural departments; participation in the Coordinating Council of the RAIPON;

I. Press conference on the results obtained from the activities on the “Kanin Red Chum” project;

J. End of December annual activity report from each Council member.