No. 9, 2002

Happy New Year, fellow countrymen!
The Council of the Public Movement “Yasavey” Association of Nenets people congratulates you, your relatives and friends, from the bottom of its heart, with the coming festivals for the New Year!
We wish you luck, health, success in your work and may your most treasured wishes come true in the new year. And may the year 2003 greet you with peace and good will, with faith and hope.
Most sincerely yours,
President of the Public Movement
“Yasavey” Association of Nenets people
V.V. Peskov

“Revival of the Red chum” Presentation of the booklet with this title took place on November 30, 2002 in the Ethno-cultural centre. The authors of the book are Lyudmila Kanyukova and Leonid Zubov, a medical colleague of the project “Kanin Red chum”.
Publication of the booklet is 1000 copies. The book contains all the information about the activities of the project in the Kanin tundra articles by all the project participants and colour photos. The booklet is distributed at the govern....

News in Brief
Three applications by structural divisions of Yasavey were handed in for participation in the tender according to the Dutch project. The three divisions are located in Om, Nelmin-Nos and Indiga.
A Round table discussion took place in Salekhard on the topic “Problems and Priorities concerning the development of the Samoyed people in the 21st century. This meeting was attended by V. Peskov, president, L.V. Lantander, deputy head of the NAO Administration, S.V. Taiberei, head of the IUU native tongue faculty, and A.F. Mihailova, head of the Nenets department of the Ethno-cultural centre.
During this presentation by V. Peskov, president of Yasavey, an agreement on cooperation with the organization “Yamal for our descendant” was signed.

The collectives group of the SPK “Indiga” plans to arrange various venues in the beginning of 2003 in honour of its 70th anniversary. They are mainly aimed at the older generation whose life and fate are an integral part of this business operation founded in 1933. It is impossible to assess the contributions made by this enterprise, not only with regard to promoting the development of the Timan krai but the entire Okrug as a whole. These festivities are intended for those who work and continue working here with a feeling of confidence and hope for a better future knowing that they are following in the footsteps of their fathers and grandfathers.

Chairpersons of structural divisions such as the localities of Telvinska, Nelmin-Nos, Krasnoe, Oksino, Indiga, Hongurei, Iskatelei, Horei-Ver, Karataika, Lower Pesha, Volokovaya and Oma, have also participated in the work of the seminar entitled “ NAO territories for nature usage”.

In the course of the meeting (October), the “Tosavey” farming operation was approached by Yasavey and the topic of transferring reindeer herds of the Kanin community to the forest areas near Mezen for the winter period was mentioned.

In November a meeting took place between V.V. Peskov and V. Fortygin, chairman of the Assembly of Deputies and the possibility of arranging a meeting in Mezen was discussed. All the parties interested in the above-mentioned subject would be present.

N.N. Matafanov, advisor to the ASD chairman informed Yasavey that the subject of transferring the Kanin reindeer herders had been discussed during the meetings in December with the head of the Administration and the UVD of the Mezen raion.

In the near future it is anticipated that such a meeting will be held. The land operation unit “Tosavey” promised to support Yasavey and to be involved concerning a solution for the problem of the Kanin reindeer herders.

Presentation of the Red Chum project
A.F. Mihailova, December 1, 2002

A presentation was given of the project “Kanin Krasnyi chum” (Red Chum) in the building of the ethno-cultural centre. Elena I. Bergunova, director of the ECC was involved and the collective group from the Nenets department. They have deserved our gratitude.

Former employees of Krasnyi chums were invited to the presentation, i.a. medical staff, cinema technicians, teachers and librarians, as well as the leadership of Krasnyi chums. A total of 47 persons. V. Peskov, president of Yasavey congratulated them on this “Day of the culture employees” and addressed them with numerous praises. Table calendars in Nenets were presented to each of them and the book “Revival of the Krasnyi chum” - proceedings of the work performed.

The Krasnyi chum employees of the forties and fifties were actively involved with the awards. Their opinion was that “Krasnyi chums are needed there where a traditional way of life is conducted. This means Kanin, the Bolshezemelskaya tundra, where reindeer herders sleep in families”. A. Barinov’s opinion, general director of “AGD” was that the “Kanin Krasnyi chum” project was carried out to perfection.

However, the main point was that the young leadership of Yasavey demonstrated in reality how the difficult way of life of the reindeer herder can be better understood. This is achieved by living in the same conditions as the reindeer herders. The reindeer herders have understood that somebody cares about them and thinks about them. Did the reindeer herders at least understand the high qualification of the doctors who examined them and what an excellent analysis was made? They must be made aware of this.

I am pondering how V. Peskov could obtain the equipment, solar batteries and many other contemporary objects. Yet we, who possess the experience in life could not manage to do this. That means that the pocket-size “Yasavey” has stopped its existence and now an independent model of the new “Yasavey” aware of its knowledge has begun its work.
I should like to express a few opinions of my own. The people involved did everything correctly. They expressed their concern about their own compatriots, those who have been torn away from civilization, They showed them how best to do something under present circumstances without uttering only empty words! After this presentation I hope that some representative of the authorities will turn their head towards the reindeer herder. This will definitely have a result.

Oil extracting organizations have turned their head towards the reindeer herders and maintain all the signs of a good beginning with “Yasavey”. The Movement machine has made good use of the means put at its disposal. That is also a good lesson particularly for beginning entrepreneurs.

It is time for me to tell you that “Yasavey” has accomplished its work on Health Control and the persons responsible for this are A.A. Zubova and V.D. Bolotova. Taking care of reindeer herders is one of the tasks of a medical assistant, and of the doctors in the settlements located along the route used by nomadic reindeer herder brigades. A time schedule must be drawn up indicating the time and in the vicinity of which settlement the nomadic reindeer herder brigades will be passing by. The medics must be equipped with appropriate technology and carry out an annual checkup of the reindeer herders. That’s all there is to it. The expenses are not astronomical except for the regular doctor’s fee and fuel for transportation.

A similar situation exists in the Bolshezemelskaya tundra: the question of a factory unit was raised at the presentation. It is needed in nomadic camps during the summer. I am not familiar with the nomadic camp territories throughout Kanin. As some minimum plans should be made to leave a person knowledgeable in medicine and a person responsible for cultural and ethical issues there as long as reindeer herders are in the vicinity.

Keep on demanding that is the duty of youth. We, the older generation are right behind you to give you our support!

Notes by a tundra doctor”
That is the title of one of the chapters in the book “Revival of the red chum” which was recently presented in Naryan-Mar.

The author of the chapter is L.A. Zubov - one of the participants of a joint project of Yasavey and the Northern State University of the Medical Institute. During the time of the transportable Red chum in the Kanin tundra, specialists from the NSMU were leading a nomadic lifestyle with the reindeer herder brigades (during the first stage, V.D. Bolotov, assistant of family medicine at the university, worked for the first three months that summer and was then replaced by L.A. Zubov, from the pediatrics faculty).

Their tasks included the following: to investigate the level of health of a nomadic population; work of sanitary-enlightenment; acceptance of the ill; medical supply, rendering assistance in acute situations; immediate help; to elaborate recommendations for the prevention of illnesses and to strengthen the health of those residing in the tundra.

V. Peskov, president of Yasavey expressed his gratitude to P.I. Sidorov, rector of the NSMU for the assistance rendered in implementing the project and handed him a book for the university library.

Student society NAO in St. Petersburg
At the beginning of the semester the students decided to get together and discuss the continuation of activities by the “Students Union from NAO”. This Union was founded on December 3, 1995 by Vladislav Peskov. Today he is the president of Yasavey.

The meeting took place on November 22, 2002 at the base of the State Polar Academy. The students who gathered here discussed the goals of the work by the union. First of all it is a union of students to solve general problems, to spend leisure time together but the main thing is that it is a living connection with compatriots which are a must far away from home.

Students at the meeting were from: the State Polar Academy (SPA), Institute of Northern Peoples (INP), and the Hydro meteorology Institute. The guest of the evening was a researcher from the Arctic University, Romuald Vera a postgraduate student at the University of Lapland.

The following topics were discussed: the reelection of the president of the union, establishing contact with the NAO representation in St. Petersburg, solving the problem of subsidy payments to students of the Polar Academy (N. Ledkov, and A. Bobrikov). Three candidates were proposed for the position of chairperson: Polina Popova (GPA student), Arkadij Ledkov (GPA student) and Elena Ledkova ( INS student). Having listened to the candidates, there was an election. Consequently, E. Ledkova was voted in as the chairperson.

The union immediately began to plan future measures for its work: creating a website in the Internet Web, a data base for students from NAO studying at universities in St. Petersburg, preparations for festivities in the okrugs which will take place from December 2 7 at the Institute of Northern Peoples. It was decided to organize an exhibition of applied arts for decorative purposes by the Nenets people: to publish a wall newspaper dedicated to the NAO, prepare an informative letter for “Yasavey’ Vada” about the Students Union from NAO.

The meeting was very cordial since most of the students knew each other. Romuald Vera told about the possibility of participation of indigenous peoples in an educational process of other countries in the Arctic Region. The students also had a chance to practice their English when talking to the guest. The meeting changed to tea drinking and acquaintances continued to be made and discussions about joint plans.
Coordinates: 198097 St. Petersburg, pr. Stachek 30, Institute of Northern Peoples, Elena Ledkova.

On the 3rd of October a regular meeting was held of the Council of Yasavey. Chairpersons of structural divisions for the settlements in the Okrug arrived to attend this meeting.

Announcements which had come in being on the agenda, the question concerning entry into the trustees’ council of the Nenets Boarding School.

The leadership of the Movement reported about the work executed and informed about plans for the year 2003.

RAIPON hereby announces a competition to be held for drawings by children and young people between the ages of 5 to 25. The theme is: “ What makes you healthy” and “What endangers your health”. Schools, preschool establishments, technical institutes, colleges, and institutes are invited to participate. Particular attention will be paid to the works of amateur artists and painters. The amount of drawings submitted to the competition is not limited. The size of the drawings is also irrelevant. The drawings must, however, be easily transportable. Each separate work shall include a short curriculum vitae about the author, residence, and a descendant of which indigenous ethnical background of the north, Siberia or the Far East.

The best works shall be exhibited in May 2003 at the World Health Congress in Vancouver, Canada. Those who have achieved a winning position shall be awarded with valuable prizes and presents.

The competition shall take place from December 15, 2002 to February 15, 2003. Please send all works to the address of RAIPON:
119415, Moscow, POB 110 or through Yasavey.

Swedish support for the Saami Cultural Center in the settlement of Lovozero
On the 12th of December the Government of Sweden ratified the decision to allocate 1 million 215 thousand Swedish crowns towards the development of the Saami Cultural Center in Lovozero, Russia, Kola Peninsula. The Lovozero settlement is the main center for the Russian Saamis and the establishment of a cultural center will be an important contribution in strengthening their cultural originality.

Sweden has made strong efforts in order to improve the possibility of the indigenous people to participate in regional cooperation of the Barents Region. On the threshold of the meeting for Prime Ministers to be held in Kirkenes between January 10 14, 2003 pertaining to the 10th anniversary of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council, Sweden wants to make its contribution by establishing a cultural center. This center will play an important role for the suppliers of culture, assist in strengthening cultural originality of the Saami population and improve the contact between the Saamis in Russia and in the northern countries.

The Government funds are designated for repairing and renovating the building in the center of the Lovozero settlement where the cultural center is to be located. A workshop will be built here for Saami handwork, offices for Saami organizations, manufacturing space and offices for the Sami radio (via NRK Sameradio, Yle and the Swedish radio.