No. 9, 2003

Alexander E. Belugin

At the end of September 2003, the Public Movement “Yasavey” Association for Nenets People”, including the president - V.V. Peskov, executive director - A.E. Belugin, and project coordinator - V.N. Kotkina, made a business trip to the inhabited points in the Okrug - Karataika and Haruta.

This trip also included leading specialists from the NAO Department of the Ministry of Justice, R.F. - N. P. Chuprova and a journalist-photographer from the paper “Edei vada” - A.G. Lyudvig.

This trip was within the framework of the operations for the Program of Yasavey: “The Reindeer - our Life, our Future” in which one of the most important guidelines for operations by Yasavey is work within inhabited points. The trip was financed out of the funds from the “Dutch Project”, the “Danish Project” and also with sponsorship assistance from N.K. “Polyarnye Siyanie” (aurora borealis).

Since its founding, members of Yasavey had never paid an official visit to the eastern part of the Okrug. This was the reason for choosing these two inhabited points. The heads of the departments of the NAO Administration had also been invited on this trip by Yasavey, Yu. A. Kaznacheeva - Deputy Director of the Administration and head of the Board of the agricultural enterprise and goods, L.V. Laptander - deputy head of the NAO on affairs dealing with the People of the North. But, unfortunately, none of the invited representatives took part in this trip and no official reply was received. Yet, the questions often asked concern precisely these departments. In telephone conversations with the management of the municipalities, the express wish to meet with representatives of these departments had been voiced.

The date of departure to the village of Karataika was announced as the 28th of September. In the afternoon of that same day we were just about to land at the point of arrival - Karataika. First a meeting took place with the head of the Administration - V.K. Arteeva. From this conversation the following problems pertaining to the Municipal Formation (MF) can be defined. The population is seriously worried about potable water. The Association had brought along a proposal to solve this problem, as well as a description and calculations for this project to supply the population with clean water. The proposal was handed over to the head of the administration.

There is another problem with regard to the fact that the municipality has no control over the territory which is located 5 km beyond the boundary of the village. Here is an example to illustrate the situation. A trawler has been operating already several years in a row every year at the mouth of the river Karataiha. It actually covers the mouth of the river and this in turn is reflected on the catch of the fishermen. The administration of the village can take no measures since it does not control that territory. Appeals have been made to the Inspectorate on Fishing but nothing has been heard of since then. If the question of raion allotment had been solved in the Okrug, the local administration could influence the situation and protect the rights of the local residents. A meeting was held with the residents of the village in the House of Culture. The presentation made by the president included activities during the last fiscal period by Yasavey. Then a discussion began about the current conditions. Once again, the questions raised concerned topics such as housing, reindeer herding, renovation of homes, potable water, etc. We made an effort to answer all the questions and to give recommendations on solving these problems and how the population should work with the representatives of the governmental structures. A meeting also took place with retired reindeer herders living permanently in the village. From what has been visually seen and based on discussions with the reindeer herders, it became clear that their homes were in an extremely dangerous condition. The roofs (crowns) of most houses had rotted a long time ago and the majority of these homes had never been renovated. A hazy picture remained of the financial funds transmitted from the oil companies into the SPK fund. With the exception of the chairman, none of the SPK employees has any information about the fund, the amount received and it's distribution among the reindeer herders. Everything remains secret and confidential. There are no radio communication devices among the SPK reindeer husbandry brigades, even though based on a discussion with the employees of the management, we discovered that they do exist in SPK but for some reason or other they have not yet reached the summer pastures of the reindeer herders. The question naturally arises, how many of the reindeer herders will get one of these communication apparatus. It is this “wait” phenomenon which has become an everyday routine and has been practically integrated into the system.

Another subject that needs clarification concerns the assistance rendered by the oil companies to the reindeer enterprises. Yasavey shall present a motion to the oil companies and to SPK concerning the use of financial resources from non-budgetary SPK funds. First of all for housing construction, for the renovation of SPK dwelling houses, for the renovation of private homes of the reindeer herders. Concurrently it is important to pay significant attention to the renovation of the homes for reindeer herders who are retired, and who have spent their entire active working lives in the reindeer husbandry sector.

The local school made a horrifying impression on us as far as the condition of the building was concerned. The village must definitely receive a new modern school with a large gymnasium. The supports holding the building will soon rot and the school will literally fall apart. And the only thing holding the school together is the sheer willpower of the teachers and those working for the school who is subjected to a hazardous situation every day.

On the 29th we arrived in Haruta. First there was a meeting with the head of the Administration - G.Ya. Rocheva, then with the chairman of the SPK “Rassvet Severa” (Arctic Dawn) - M.N. Hatanzeiskij. During the course of our discussions, it became obvious that there are two major problems at the moment facing the SPK and MO: putting the processing mini-plant on-line and the closing down of the Haruta Inta winter pastures belonging to the NAO Administration. The most debatable questions in the village are the winter pastures. The Administration of the Okrug insists on winter supplies arriving during the navigation period in the summer. The municipality is of a different opinion and they have come to their own conclusions (the point of conflict is the price for the shipment, quality of the coal, etc.). To discuss this topic all the parties interested in this subject must meet, i.e. the Okrug Administration, municipal administration, SPK, and most important the residents of the village must actively participate and let their opinion be known and then discuss this question at a general meeting. The meeting with the residents took place in the House of Culture. Questions were raised concerning the development of the infrastructure, telecommunications, activities of the federal structures, etc. The question concerning the housing-communal sector was raised at the meeting. The present system is not a good solution and is not sufficiently effective for Haruta. The same probably applies to other villages in the Okrug. All ZHKU (housing and dwelling services) in the inhabited points of the Okrug is governed from Naryan-Mar, e.g. the ZHKU in Haruta does not even have an accountant. Everything is decided in Naryan-Mar. One of the proposals made by the municipality was the return of production activities to the local level. Since funds are distributed from the Okrug budget, it is better to allot these resources to municipal education and give the municipality the opportunity to become the Buyer and monitor the work executed, as it is termed there where it has been carried out and can be controlled.

There is a mini-plant in Haruta for full-scale processing of fish, venison and game meat. This offers the village the perfect opportunity to acquire additional production capacity and to make new jobs available. Sufficient experience has been gained about the production process by the people of Haruta in the Komi Republic and it has proven to be successful. In the near future the SPK has planned the start-up of a mini-processing factory.

Having been to such faraway villages and having seen at close range the existing problems, the only thing that can be said is that the problems in the village are similar to those of other villages in the Okrug. Each village has its own priorities concerning development and their own guidelines which must be altered. The municipalities must obtain more power of authority.

And the population as such? The population in the villages is more peaceful and the reason for this is that these places are not so often frequented by the directors of the Okrug and various promises are not made too often only to remain empty. Who likes to be made a fool of?

As far as taking care of various matters in the Okrug is concerned, Yasavey considers that the leadership of the Okrug should spend more time in the Okrug's villages and meet with the residents, explain their rights to them, supply them with information about various happenings in the Okrug. The best alternative as far as dissemination of information is concerned, is to hold seminars and “travelling meetings” in the villages of the Okrug. The experience obtained will then define future development of the various villages. Every village needs its own individual approach.


* The governor of the Okrug stated that he is in favour of building an all-year round open port in the vicinity of the village Indiga. The objective of this construction is to transfer oil from the eastern part of the Okrug, since the capacity of the terminal in Varande is not sufficient anymore. This project also includes the laying of oil pipelines and highways for vehicles along the pipeline.

* In the village of Nes, work is continuing on the construction of a new school and two “Tatra” trucks were brought into the village along with all the necessary construction material. At the moment the workers are busy with the foundation for the building.

* For the upcoming elections in the Government Duma, 11 persons, two of whom have no connection to the Okrug at all presented themselves as candidates and registered. Our president Vladislav Peskov also announced his candidacy.

* The president of Yasavey, V.V. Peskov visited the state of Alaska, USA, in September. There he became acquainted with the experience of the organization-foundation “The Future Generation” and attended a training seminar on organizing and installing satellite communication with the villages. There are many similarities between Alaska and the NAO in particular concerning the oil drilling under extreme climatic conditions. For this reason we should become acquainted with the Alaskan experience and apply the experience within our Okrug.

* Back in September, an accident occurred on the Kolguev island in the vicinity of the village Bugrino. According to the words of the residents of this island, pontoons with 50 tons of diesel fuel sank. Part of the fuel even reached the waters at the mouth of the river Bugryanka.
Yasavey approached the NAO Directorate for Natural Resources and the Nenets specialized Maritime Inspectorate (MPR), Russia, with a letter requesting an explanation. We are waiting to receive a reply at the moment.

Valentina Taleeva,
Post-graduate student at the Saint-Petersburg State University

On the 9th of October in Naryan-Mar at the Centre for Ethno-culture (EKZ) a scheduled meeting took place attended by land holders and public organizations of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO). These friendly associations in the same area include: Ukrainians, Tartars, and other peoples living in the NAO, representatives of these associations became acquainted with reciprocal activities and exchanged their experience with each other. The activities of this event were attended by A.E. Belugin - executive director of Yasavey, Valentina Taleeva - a PhD student at the State University of Saint Petersburg in honour of A.I. Herzen, a member of the Saint Petersburg NAO Student Union, as well as distinguished guests and representatives of the older generation of the Nenets elite - R.I. Kanyukova, A.I. Pichkov and others.

The meeting took place within the framework of the activities at the Ethno-Cultural Centre. For the past few years, the employees of this Centre have carried out a multitude of activities in which also the residents of the Okrug participated. The last event of this sort was an exhibition “ housewife of the North”. On this occasion special culinary dishes of the Komi-Izhencev peoples were presented, as well as traditional medicinal treatment using medical herbs.

The representatives of the associations and the public associations related their activities and told about their future plans. For example, Seraphima P. Durkina, head of the Nenets theatrical group “Ilbec” acquainted those present with the activities of their theatre. At present the theatre group includes 12 people (adults and children). A faithful audience is made up of retired citizens and people who have been raised in the NAO educational institutions for children.

The “Ilbec” theatre is preparing for a celebration in honour of a famous Nenets writer Vasilij N. Ledkova. In connection with this festival there will be the opening night of the piece called “Sineva v arcane”. The theatre group is also in search of new talents among the children who speak Nenets. Basically future members of the theatre will be those who finished a Nenets schools - boarding school in honour of A.P. Pyrerko, and other national schools in the Okrug.

The representatives from the Shapinskij association told about the former village of Shapkino. This village existed for 40 years and then it was closed down. In those times the village of Shacking was one of the wealthiest sovhozes in the Okrug and was managed by GP “Sevmorput”. The sovhoz had 12 reindeer husbandry brigades and fishing activities. When World War II broke out only two brigades remained and that was the beginning of the end for the village. With the passing of time the village fell apart completely.

Yet in spite of this, people with deep feelings for their small motherland stayed behind. These were the people who together with the employees of the museum collected a large amount of material about the residents of the Shapkino village. These are archival documents, photographs, and letters. These enthusiastic people from the associations, with their own strength put up two 4-meter crosses. One is a monument to the previous sovhoz and the second, mounted at the entrance to the former village - in memory of their residents. The leaders of Shapkino recruited not only people from the older generation but also young people who have been inoculated with love for their Small Motherland since childhood.

A large number of people from the Ukraine live in NAO. This was the reason for establishing the magnificent association of “Kobzarya”. According to the management of the association, the roots dig deep into the history of a vocal group founded by Maya P. Smirnova. Gradually more enthusiasts appeared and the present association was established.

Rosa I. Kanyukova told about a competition “Moya rodoslovnaya” (my heritage) scheduled to take place in December 2003. Its main aim is to first of all - induce love and respect for the family, relatives and close ones. The competition “Moya rodoslovnaya” can be attended by all those who desire to do so. Detailed information is available at the Centre.

In summarizing this occasion during a stormy meeting on future plans of “the associations” in the Okrug, the enthusiasts decided to hold a meeting to which the members of all public associations will be invited and the aim is to become mutually acquainted. They also decided to arrange an exhibition by artistic amateur clubs on applied art and exhibitions. This meeting and similar ones will give people a chance to exchange experience and also promote a union of representatives from different cultures. This will once again emphasize the multi-nationality of our Okrug and Russia as a whole.

November 7 “The Day of Harmony and Reconciliation”. On this day there will be a meeting of the NAO associations “Istoki”.

December - A meeting of representatives of the clans NAO “ Moya rodoslovnaya”. All residents in the NAO may participate who have collected information about their heritage and will present this data to the House of Culture of the villages or to the Ethno-Cultural Centre.

A. Toropova submitted the material

In the SPK “Indiga” a reindeer count was held last summer. Unfortunately, it was not possible to count all the reindeer. According to the information received from the SPK chairman, it became known that the reason was due to unfavourable weather conditions. Thus, in summarizing, the activities of the SPK are as follows: a total amount of reindeer 8340 heads, including 5890 adult reindeer and 2450 heads of calves. Production decrease amounted to 112 heads, unproductive decrease (falling, hunting lost) - 807 adult reindeer of which 279 heads accounted for falling. Thus, maintaining adult reindeer amounted to 87.9%, decrease of calves - 68.6 %, bareness - 5.2 %. Compared to the indexes from 2002, the situation with reindeer husbandry in the SPK has unfortunately declined.
There must be a solution to this ever-deepening crisis facing us. But should business go on as usual, then the future does not offer a basis for reindeer husbandry as part of the economic sector. And this is the truth of the matter.
While talking about the defeats suffered by SPK “Indiga”, it would only be fair to mention also SPK “Rassvet Severa”, SPK “Druzhba Narodov”, SPK in honour of “Vyucheiskij” and a series of other enterprises in the Okrug, where reindeer husbandry is the basic activity. These enterprises are also undergoing a system of decrease in reindeer per capita. According to the Association, the reasons for this crisis are basically the same for all enterprises. First of all lack of competent management know-how. Secondly, when choosing the strategy for developing agriculture and in particular reindeer husbandry, a better choice could have been met. And thirdly, probably one likely reason is the form of ownership practised by reindeer husbandry enterprises. In many enterprises the main reason for decreasing the reindeer per capita is “doing away with guilds”. This concerns mainly “kolhoz” reindeer, whereby the per capita of private reindeer does not undergo any changes.

The enterprises continue operating according to the “kolhoz” model and at the same time they need to master business conditions on the market. Reindeer husbandry enterprises must adapt themselves to the existing situation today, in particular, the transition to operating enterprises on a private basis, whereby each reindeer herder retains an interest in the results of his own labour.

Yet, the same process should be supported in the first place by the officials in the Okrug, since the transition of an enterprise to a private form of ownership is expensive. It is necessary to teach the reindeer herders the basics of dealing in business, to train the entrepreneurial staff, maintain preferential terms for taxation purposes during the period of formation.

The financial resources coming in from the oil companies must be used expediently and not just by one enterprise. It must also be available to those enterprises experiencing difficulties at the moment and need assistance.

If the above-mentioned problems can be successfully resolved, the reindeer herders from all the tundras can present the results of their labour with dignity and be proud of being reindeer herders.

Among the media there are residents in the Okrug who turn to Yasavey with various questions: to render material assistance, to distribute resources for housing construction or for acquiring a dwelling, to pay for a medical checkup, etc.

Unfortunately Yasavey does not have any financial resources at its disposal since it is a public organization. But Yasavey can inform you with whom to get in touch. We shall try to answer some of the questions:

The rendering of material assistance to those who are underprivileged;
The Directorate of social welfare of the population (USZN) is responsible for distributing material assistance of the NAO Administration. It is necessary to contact the USZN with an application and present the necessary documents to be examined by the commission. One can also turn to the municipal formation with the same problem depending on your location.

Acquisition of a dwelling place or repair:
As far as finding a solution to the housing problem, the Committee dealing with questions concerning the peoples of the North of the NAO Administration should be addressed or else the administration of municipal formation, according to residence.
Concerning urban housing questions, it is the Administration of Naryan-Mar or the corresponding city services.

Paying for a medical checkup:
The Committee Dealing with Peoples of the North, NAO Administration, issues an annual guarantee letter for payment of a medical checkup for those being recruited by the MNS. It is also possible to pay in cash and then, according to the decision made by the employer, seek reimbursement from the funds of the organization issuing documents for making payments.

Issuing guarantee letters for airfare:
The structures of the Directorate of Health or the NAO Administration issues guarantee letters, against appropriate documents submitted, for observation at a medical institute, documents confirming the medical treatment or observation in a medical facility of the city, and identification papers.

The next edition will include more answers to important questions for the residents of the Okrug.