Updated Programme Convention Nenets in the Netherlands - October 4 -7, 2001


- Individual arrival of participants;

18.00 Get together with buffet;

20.30 Video 'Seven Songs from the Tundra' a film by Anastasia Lapsui and Markku Lehmuskallio;

21.55 Closing (Bar remains open, beverages at one's own expense).


7.30 Breakfast;


('Nenets and Their Society - Projects in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug'). International workshop organized by the Arctic Centre of the University of Groningen together with Arctic People Alert.

9.00: Opening by the chair of the day prof. dr Louwrens Hacquebord, director of the Arctic Centre of the University of Groningen;

9.15: 'The Nenets today. An introduction into the present situation of the Nenets' y Vlad Peskov, president of the Nenets organization Yasavey;

9.45: 'Nenets traditional rights to land and resources' by Mrs. Gail Osherenko, associate of the Institute of Arctic Studies and the Environmental Studies Program at Dartmouth College, USA, co-author of the book 'Siberian Survival. The Nenets and Their Story';

10.45 Coffee break;

11.15 'Historical relations with indigenous peoples of the Russian North' by Mrs. Karen Mulders, Arctic Centre of the University of Groningen;

12.00 'Comparison of the situation of the Sami in North Russia with the situation of the Nenets' by Alexander Andreevich Kobelev, executive secretary of the Sami organisation OOSMO, Murmansk region;

12.45 Lunch

14.00 'Future challenges for the Nenets in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug' by Vlad Peskov, president of the Nenets organisation Yasavey;

14.30 'The trading-post project proposal "Pa-Jakha"' by Alexander E. Vyucheisky, co-director of the Nenets reindeerherders co-operative 'Jerv' with Petr A. Khabarov, Krasnoe, director of 'Jerv';

15.15 Tea break;

15.30 Discussion and conclusions;

17.00 Closing.

17.30 Dinner;

18.30 Departure from Scheemda;

19.30 Arrival in Groningen city;

20.00 Public event in the 'North Netherlands School of Music - Conservatory', Veemarktstraat 76, Groningen. With Nenets peakers, performance by members of the Nenets theatre group 'Ilept' from Naryan Mar, and slide show on the Nenets culture made by Sami photographer Niillas Somby;

22.30 Departure to Scheemda.


Round table assembly for donor organisations, consultancy agencies, and non-governmental, governmental and inter-governmental organisations that are actively involved in supporting projects for and of indigenous peoples in Russia.

9.00 Opening by the chair of the day, Dr. Gerard Boere; Mr. Gerard Boere is International Programme Coordinator of Wetland International and former Senior Executive Officer at the International Affairs Department of the section Nature Management at the Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries. For 25 years, Mr. Boere was involved in Dutch nature protection programs in Russia.

9.30: 'Nature protection in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug' by Mr. Andrey Glotov, Deputy Director of the State Nature Reserve 'Nenentski';

10.15: 'Nature protection in conflict with indigenous rights?' by Bruce C. Forbes, Ph. D. Senior Scientist in Environmental Science and Policy at the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland.

10.45 Coffee break;

11.15 'Dutch nature protection programs and research in the Russian Arctic' by Mr. Vincent van den Berk, Senior Policy Advisor for Ecosystems and the Environment at the National Reference Centre for Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries.

12.15 Brief presentations by all participants of themselves and their organisation's activities related to the peoples and environment of the Arctic.

12.45 Lunch

14.00 Open Discussion Session: How to continue the co-operation within the Chum Network? The draft of a Charter for Chum Network Co-operation, as formulated by Infonor-Denmark, will be a basis for this discussion.

15.15 Tea break;

15.30 Amendments to and approval of the Chum-Charter.
Drawing of conclusions and evaluation of meeting;
appointments for follow-up activities.

17.00 Closing.

18.00 Departure for dinner in Groningen city, at Blues cafe and restaurant 'The Vestibule', Oosterstraat 24, Groningen, ph. 050 3182359;

22.00 Return to Scheemda.

(changes possible):

9.30 Final departure of all delegates.

Except when mentioned otherwise, all activities are due to take place in the Hostel "Esborg" in Scheemda, The Netherlands.
Hostel "Esborg" - Esborgstraat 16 - Scheemda - The Netherlands
ph. +31 597 591255 - fax: +31 597 591132;
General contact:
Arctic Peoples Alert

Groningen is situated in the North of The Netherlands at two and a half hours by train (227 km) from airport Amsterdam-Schiphol. Scheemda is 30 km east of Groningen. From Groningen there is a regular train connection to Scheemda as well as a buss connection (lines 79 and 179). In Groningen, across from the Central Station is a bus stop of Eurolines bus company.


- Arrival of indigenous and non-indigenous delegates from Russia and elsewhere at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam (by 'Pulkovo');
- Travel to the North of The Netherlands, Groningen (Scheemda);
- Arrival and dinner.

8.00 Breakfast
9.00 Briefing on the program of Russian participants;

10.00 - Workshop on 'Russian indigenous languages'
12.00 organised by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Groningen.
Chair: Mr. dr.
Tjeerd de Graaf and Mr. drs. Markus Bergman (only in Russian language);

12.30 Lunch

14.00 Departure to Groningen

15.00 Meeting with the town councillor of Groningen, Mr.Ren F.J. Paas, Town Hall, Grote Markt 1, Groningen


9.30 Departure of all delegates.
The Russian delegates travel to the governmental city The Hague. Three hours' drive.

13.30 Public event with performance of the Nenets in Museon, Stadhouderslaan 41 in The Hague.
(Similar as in Groningen).

NJHC City Hostel The Hague - Scheepmakersstraat 27 -
The Hague - NL - ph. + 31 70 315 7878 - fax: + 31 70 315 7877
General contact: Arctic Peoples Alert

October 8-9: Meetings in The Hague with government officials and members of parliament.

Wednesday, October 10: departure from Amsterdam-Schiphol to Russia.

The meetings are hosted by Arctic Peoples Alert. This is a non-governmental organisation supporting indigenous organisations and peoples in the Arctic, which started its work in 1986. The main objective of Arctic Peoples Alert is to inform the Dutch government, parliament, media and public about the situation of indigenous peoples in the Arctic. The context to that is the fact that the government of the Netherlands has observer status at, among others, the Arctic Council, AMAP, CAFF and Barents Euro Arctic Council. Arctic Peoples Alert started as Foundation Innu Support Group which campaigned for many years against Dutch military low-level flying above Innu land in Labrador/Quebec, Canada. In 1997 we changed our name to Arctic Peoples Alert.

The Arctic Centre was founded in 1969 by a group of scientists of the University of Groningen. Originally its purpose was to stimulate the study of languages and cultures of arctic and sub-arctic peoples. During the 1970s however, when archaeologists, biologists and geographers joined, the scope of the Arctic Centre widened. It not only became a platform for polar research in the Netherlands, but it also developed a multi-disciplinary research programme aimed at getting a better understanding of the arctic environment and its use by people in past and present times. Recently the geographic reach of the Arctic Centre was extended by including the Antarctic regions as an area of study.
At present, the Arctic Centre functions as an information centre for polar research in the Netherlands. Part of this research is carried out at the centre itself. The Arctic Centre represents the Netherlands in the Council and Executive Committee of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and in the working group meetings of the Arctic Monitoring Assessment Programme (AMAP).
The Arctic Centre is also involved in the workinggroup for Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF). The Arctic Centre is also represented in INterdepartementaal (Ant)arctisch Overleg (IAO), the Committee of Antarctic research (CAO) and the National Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR).

The activities are made possible by, among others, Bossers & Cnossen computers in Groningen, INFONOR in Denmark, Foundation Doen (National Postcode Lottery), the Municipality of Groningen, the Agricultural Council at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Moscow, the Leonard Peltier Foundation in Groningen, Museon in The Hague, the Province of Groningen, Foundation Twinningship Groningen-Moermansk, Ethnographical Museum Gerardus van der Leeuw and Bluescafe De Vestibule.

Please send your completed registration form by mail, e-mail or fax. Payment at the conference. Confirmation and convention material will be sent out after the registration form and payment have been received.

Registration address:
Arctic Peoples Alert - Zusterstraat 58 B - NL - 2512 TN Den Haag
The Netherlands - phone: +31 (0) 70 4020943 - fax: + 31 (0) 70 388 2915


Arctic Peoples has tried to keep the costs of partaking as low as possible. For participants of non-governmental organisations who will sleep at the hostel, the convention fee is NLG 95 (Euro 43, US $ 36) per day. This includes bed in the hostel, breakfast, lunch and dinner for one day. Partaking all three days costs NLG 285 (Euro 129, US $ 108). For others (representatives of governments, educational and commercial institutes) the convention fee is NLG 140 per day (Euro 63, US $ 53). For Dutch participants who only partake in the daytime activities, the convention fee is NLG 50 per day, incl. lunch. For students the fee is NLG 35 per day.
The amount can by deposited at Postbank in Amsterdam, account 4408028 of Innu Support Group/Arctic Peoples Alert, The Hague
Swift code: INGBNL2A

The website
http://www.arctica.nl will provide information updates, speakers, programme, preparatory materials etc. Other interesting sites are:

Arctic Peoples Alert - coordinator Govert de Groot
Zusterstraat 58 B - NL - 2512 TN The Hague - The Netherlands
phone: + 31 (0) 70 402 0943 - fax: + 31 (0) 70 388 2915
GSM (only in urgent cases): +31 (0) 6 103 633 77