Foundation Arctic Peoples Alert

Formerly Foundation Innu Support Group

Zusterstraat 58 B
2512 TN The Hague
The Netherlands

Phone: 070 - 4020943
Fax: 070 - 3882915

Urgent matters: mobile (+31 <0>) 06 10363377 no voice mail!

Postbank account: 40092

Chamber of Commerce: S-157171

Hans de Bruin, chairman;
drs Jan van Boeckel, secretary;
ir Charles van den Ouweland, treasurer.

Coordinator and contact person: Govert de Groot

Committee of recommendation:
Ria Beckers, former leader of GreenLeft in the Second Chamber of Parliament;
H.C. ten Berge, author;
Prof. Dr. Louis Beyens, Laboratory for Polar Ecology and Paleo- biology, Department of Biology, University Center Antwerp, Belgium;
Prof. Theo van Boven, Professor International Law, University of Maastricht;
Douwe Bylsma, member of the Provincial States for the FNP (Frisian National Party);
Henk Droesen, judge in district court of 's Hertogenbosch;
Prof. Dr. Louwrens Hacquebord, Arctic Centrum, University of Groningen;
Gerda Koopmans, WILPF-the Netherlands (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom - the Netherlands);
David Suzuki, Professor zoology, University of British Columbia, Canada and journalist;
Tove Søvndahl Petersen, Arctic Council's Indigenous People's Secretariat, Copenhagen, Denmark, on personal title;
Marie-Louise Tiesinga-Autsema, former member of the First Chamber of Parliament for D66.