Contact:INFONOR, Claus Oreskov
Ryesgade 103 C
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Phone:+45 35 26 70 73
October 22, Thuesday
8.00 am Breakfast
9.00 am Introduction to 3. CHUM.
Viacheslav Mihailovich Makeyev ( Polar Academy):
Legal aspects of special conservation territories of Russian Arctic
10.30 am Coffeebreak.
Galina Pavlovna Fyodorova, (Consultant of the Committee on the Nationalities Affairs of State Duma): The legislation of the Indigenous peoples of the Russian federation, specifically obschina organisation, land and resources
12.00 am Lunch
1.00 pm Workshops
1) Ngo's involvement in establishing Obschinas by funding. When is it relevant? Which considerations should be taken? What is the responsibility of the ngo's ? Chair: Galina Pavlovna Fyodorova, (Consultant of the Committee on the Nationalities Affairs of State Duma).
2) Is there a need to increase the involvement of indigenous women in the relation between indigenous peoples and ngo's concerning project and political work? If so what is the best way to realize this? Chair: Alona Yefimenko (IPS)
3) Is there a need to emphazise understanding and cooperation between Environmental organizations and Human Rights organizations ? Is there a way for them to integrate each others perspectives?
3.30 pm Coffeebreak
4.00 pm 5.00 pm Presentation of workshops in Plenum.
6.30 pm Dinner
9.00 pm 12.00 pm Arctic Midnight Caf
October 23, Wednesday
8.00 am Breakfast
9.00 am Andrey Stepanovich Glotov (State Nature Reserve 'Nenetskii'/ depute director): The Natural Reserve 'Nenetskii' - as a form of preservation of biodiversity and interaction with indigenous peoples of the European North.
9.00 am Vladimir Stepanovich Dmitriyev (Centre for Interregional Cooperation of Ethnic communities of the North 'Ethnopole'): Problems of life-support of the indigenous population of the North in conditions of industrial development.
10.30 am Coffeebreak.
Vladimir N. Dobrynin. The Consequenses for the indigenous peoples of the biosphere preservation zone 'Commandorskoje' on Bering Island.
12.00 am Lunch
1.00 pm Workshops
1) The consequences of Zapovednik, Zakaznik and Ethnoecologic Parks proportional to indigenous traditional ressource utilization.
2) Project makers may face sincere problems if regional governments and official development strategies are not taken in concideration prior to local involvement. There may be delicate and unclear jurisdictional boundaries between the role of organizations and the role of communities. How do we best secure that all parties will have a maximum outcome of a project? Chair: Mads Fgteborg (Arctic Information)
3) The possibility of reviving a press and litteratures in indigenous languages. Chair: Peter Jessen (INFONOR)
3.30 pm Coffeebreak
4.00 pm 5.00 pm. Presentation of Workshops in plenum
16.30 pm Dinner
Excursion to the house and museum of the Polar explorer Knud Rasmussen.
Arctic Midnight Caf
Thursday, October 24
8.00 am Breakfast
10.30 am Coffeebreak
Maria Doeke Boekraad. (Independent Consultant)
EU support for NGO work in Russia.
12.00 am Lunch
1.00 pm
1) Cooperation between western ngo's, russian ngo's and indigenous peoples concerning development projects
2) Writing a Project Proposal. (For russians who apply for projects in the West) The term ''project'' encompass the identification, planning, knowledge, staff, equipment, and money required to meet a need or solve a problem. Each project has its own premise, and no two projects are the same. Yet there are some common preconditions to learn. (Study material available in Russian only.) Chair: Mads Fgteborg (Arctic Information)
3) Evaluation of the present CHUM forum and recommandations to the future CHUM cooperation. What should be the purpose of the CHUM platform? Who are the CHUM-list participants and should we have an open or closed list?
3.30 pm Coffeebreak
4.00 pm 5.30 pm Presentation of workshops in plenum and evaluation and planning of next meeting
7.00 pm Banquet including cultural entertainment by the greenlandian choir MIK.
9.00 pm - ?? Entertainment and late night Arctic Caf