Arctica Digital

On this page background information on several Arctic regions. This information is only available on our Internet pages.

Russian Federation

Report of a fact-finding visit to the Khanty and Nentsy in Russia (31 January 2000)

De NGO waar Arctic Peoples Alert in Rusland o.a. mee samenwerkt is:
North Without Conflict (1999)

Bruce Forbes: Industrial development in the Yamal-Nenets region

Bruce Forbes: The End of the Earth: Threats to the Yamal Region's Cultural and Biological Diversity

Moscow Recommendation on the Conservation of Arctic Natural and Cultural Heritage

Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North

L'auravetl'an Indigenous Information Center

Linguistic reseach into minority languages in Russia:
RU-Groningen: De Graaf Komi/Tundra Project

''North without conflicts''

Non-Governmental Organizations Sector Support Program

'Oil- and Gas Development as a Potential Threat to Protected Areas and Pristine Wilderness in the South-East Barents Sea and Nenets Autonomous Okrug - Habitat Fragmentation and Contamination'

Oil and Siberian peoples - Press release (September 18, 2000) from Survival, a worldwide organisation supporting tribal peoples.

Arctic Network for the Support of the Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Arctic (ANSIPRA)

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Recommendation concerning the return of the so-called Greenland Eskimo in the Westfries Museum in Hoorn

Answer of Arctic Peoples Alert to the Recommendation

Repatriation of Cultural Objects in Greenland- Published in Yumzilob 1995/7-3.


'The Right to be Different'- The alarming interest of the ''New Right'' for indigenous peoples